RBI Retail Direct Scheme : Investor Services & Benefits

RBI Retail Direct Scheme : Investor Services & Benefits

RBI Retail Direct facilitates retail investor access to government securities, offering features like account statements, nominations, and no fees for account maintenance or primary auction bids. Eligibility requires PAN, KYC documents, email, and mobile number. Transactions occur online, including primary and secondary market participation via net-banking/UPI.


RBI Retail Direct Scheme Details: The investor services offered by RBI Retail Direct include account statements, nomination facilities, options for pledge/lien, gift transactions, and a grievance redressal system. Importantly, there are no fees charged for opening/maintaining the RDG Account or for submitting bids in primary auctions. In terms of market participation, retail investors can bid for securities in the primary market following the non-competitive scheme guidelines and make payments using net-banking/UPI.

The RBI Retail Direct scheme is designed to make it easier for retail investors to participate in government securities. It allows individuals to open and maintain their ‘Retail Direct Gilt Account’ (RDG Account) with RBI through an online portal.

This initiative aims to provide access to both primary issuance and secondary market trading of government securities, including Treasury Bills, dated securities, Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGB), and State Development Loans (SDLs). The online portal also offers features such as access to NDS-OM for trading and RFQ mode for negotiation in the secondary market.

Eligibility for the RBI Retail Direct scheme requires individuals to have a PAN issued by the Income Tax Department, access to primary issuance of government securities, any officially valid document (OVD) for KYC purposes, a valid email ID, and a registered mobile number.

RBI Retail Direct Scheme: How To Invest

The registration process involves filling out an online form on the rbiretaildirect.org.in website, authenticating with an OTP, and upon successful registration, the RDG Account is opened, with access details provided via SMS/email.

In terms of market participation, retail investors can bid for securities in the primary market following the non-competitive scheme guidelines and make payments using net-banking/UPI. For secondary market transactions through NDS-OM, investors can buy or sell securities and make payments through similar electronic means.

The investor services offered by RBI Retail Direct include account statements, nomination facilities, options for pledge/lien, gift transactions, and a grievance redressal system. Importantly, there are no fees charged for opening/maintaining the RDG Account or for submitting bids in primary auctions.
RBI Retail Direct Scheme Charges

There is no charge for opening and maintaining the account. However, payment gateway charges, if applicable, are borne by the registered investor. Overall, the RBI Retail Direct scheme aims to provide a transparent and investor-friendly platform for retail investors to participate in government securities trading

Source: https://www.etnownews.com/markets/rbi-retail-direct-scheme-how-to-invest-directly-in-govt-securities-gsec-investment-guide-article-108735594

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