Policy for Tabulation of Marks for Class X Board Exams 2021 Based on the Internal Assessments Conducted by Schools

Policy for Tabulation of Marks for Class X Board Exams 2021 Based on the Internal Assessments Conducted by Schools

Back Ground

1. In view of the increasing number of Covid 19 cases in the country , CBSE vide notification dated 14.04.2021 cancelled the Board Exams for Class X to be held from 4th May to 7th June, 2021 . The notification also mentioned that:-

  • (a) results of Class X Board will be prepared on the basis of an objective criterion to be developed by the Board, and
  • (b) any candidate who is not satisfied with the marks allocated will be given an opportunity to appear in an exam as and when the conditions are conducive to hold the exams.

Challenge Before Us

2. In the pandemic situation , delivering fair and unbiased results to students on time is a challenging task . But we are confident that CBSE school system will work hard to make things happen as smoothly as possible. We know that we can rely on every school leader and every teacher of CBSE affiliated schools to complete this process with the highest degree of  professionalism, consistency , and care. With your professional and judicious approach , let us make sure that students and parents feel confident in the accuracy and fairness of their results.

Policy for Tabulation of Marks for Class X Board Exams 2021 Based

Objective of the Policy

3. Developing an unbiased and transparent academic  record based on realistic evaluation of academic performance of students is the important objective before all of us. While undertaking this task , four key principles of any evaluation namely reliability , fairness, flexibility and validity should be followed during the evaluation process. In order to make sure that the assessment is fair , valid and reliable, School Leaders and Teachers should ensure that the evaluation process as laid out below is clearly understood by all stakeholders .

Procedure for Assessment of Students

4. .  The students will be assessed out of maximum 100 marks for each  subject. As per the policy of the Board, 20 marks are for Internal Assessment  and 80 marks are for Year-end Board Examinations.

5. The Internal Assessment for 20 marks will be as per the existing policy laid out in circular number Acad-11/2019 dated March 6 , 2019 available at  http://cbseacademic.nic.in/web material/Circulars /2 019/11 Circular 2019 . pdf. Based on the circular , Internal Assessments have already been done by the schools and a majority of schools have uploaded their data on the CBSE portal. It is requested that all schools should upload the marks of Internal Assessment latest by 11th June, 2021 as communicated earlier.

6. Due to cancellation of the Board Examinations, the assessment of 80 marks will be done by the school:

  • (a) based on the marks scored by the candidate in the different tests/exams conducted by the school during the year , and
  • (b) the  marks should  be in consonance with the past performance of the school in Class X Board examinations .

Constitution of Result Committee

7 . Each school shall form a Result Committee consisting of Principal and seven teachers for finalizing the results. Five teachers from the school should be from Mathematics, Social Science , Science and two languages, and two teachers from neighboring schools should be co-opted by the school as the external members of the Committee . Rules for the constitution of the Committee and their roles & responsibilities are given at Annexure – 1. The external teachers will be paid a total fixed honorarium of Rs.2500/- per person by the Board. All the internal Committee members will be paid a fixed honorarium of Rs.1500/- by the Board. CBSE will make available an online module for entering claims of honorarium which will be remitted directly into the accounts of Committee members.

 Recording of Evidence and Assessment

8. The evidence towards the performance of the student in the internal tests/exams conducted by the school should  be documented  student-wise and maintained in a secure manner. These documents may be called upon for subsequent verification as per the instructions of the Board.

9. .  As per the information collected from the schools through Regional Offices of CBSE, schools  have conducted different types and number of  tests/exams . Broadly, the following exams/tests are common and will be  used for school­ based assessment and the weightage in terms of maximum marks for schools who have conducted the above tests/exams is given below:

Category of Tests/Exams

Maximum Marks

(a) Periodic Test/ Unit Test

10 Marks

(b) Half Yearly/Mid-Term Examinations

30 Marks

(c) Pre-Board Examinations

40 Marks


80 Marks

10. In case schools have conducted more than one test/exam within each category, the Result Committee may fix the weightage to be given to each test/exam within the category subject to the overall maximum arks for that category. For example, if a school has conducted two or three pre board exams it may decide to take an average of the three exams, take the best performance in the three tests or give a weightage to each exam as considered suitable.

11. There are some schools where one or more of the above three categories of tests/exams have not been conducted. Further, there may be differences in terms of the mode of conduct of examination i.e., Online/Offline. Also, it is possible that some of the students may not have appeared in any or some of the examinations conducted by the schools.

12. In all the above cases, Result Committee constituted by the School will have to address these challenges based on the analysis and study of the situation prevailing in the school and thereafter draw up a criterion for the assessment of 80 marks. The aim should be to cover as broad a range of assessment objectives as possible.  The Rationale for the criteria should be well thought out, objective and should be documented in the form of Rationale Document (See Annexure – 2), explaining in detail how the school assessed marks have been determined out of 80 in these cases:

  • (a) where all the three categories of tests/exams have not been conducted by the school, and
  • (b) in  cases  where  students  have  not  appeared  in  any  or  some  of  the tests/exam category selected for the assessment.

The Committee should, in all cases, clearly record all its decisions in writing with the reasons in the Rationale Document.

Assessment Standardisation

13. As marks will be allocated at school level, they will strictly not be comparable across schools due to the  variations in the  quality of question papers, the evaluation standard and processes, the mode of conduct of exams etc. Therefore , to ensure standardisation, each school will have to internally moderate the marks to account for the school level variations by using a reliable reference standard.

  • (a) The historical performance of the school, in terms of the best overall performance in the previous three years’ Board examination , will be taken as the reference for moderating the marks  assessed by the school for 2021. For example, if in a specific school, the overall average of students in 2017-18 is 72%, in 2018-19 is 74% and in 2019-20, it is 71%, the school will use the subject-wise averages  of 2018-19, which are the highest, for moderation. The selected year will be the reference year for the school. For each subject, the school will have to follow a broad distribution of marks which will be based on the performance of the reference year by that school in that subject.
  • (b) The subject wise marks assessed  by the school for 2021 should be within a range of ± 2 marks obtained by the school in the subject in the reference year. However, the overall average marks for the school assessed in 2021, for all the 5 main subjects, should not exceed the overall average marks obtained  by the school in the reference year .
  • (c) In case data for a school for only two years’ is available then the best performance out of two years’ will be taken and in case data is available for only one year, the same will be taken.
  • (d) Marks obtained by the students of the school in the subject in a previous Board examination have been taken for the purpose of internal moderation, as this is based on own performance of  the school and thus a reasonably reliable, unbiased and fair reference standard .
  • (e) In schools where the students are appearing in the Class X Board Exams for the first time and hence have no historical data available, the Board will provide the details for the district , state and national averages of last two years performance in the Board Exams and the best performance in terms of overall average score, from among the district , national and state averages, will be taken as the reference year . This data will be provided for different groups of schools for which results are announced by CBSE viz. NVS, KVS, Government Schools, Independent Schools etc .
  • (f) The broad distribution of marks obtained by the students of the school, in the specific year , subject-wise , will be made available to the school by the Board in their login account (See Annexure – 3).
  • (g) Once the Result Committee finalizes the marks on the basis of tests/exams , it has to ensure that the marks of students are aligned with the broad distribution of marks provided by the Board.
  • (h) To facilitate this and make it easy for schools, CBSE will prepare an online system in which school can enter the marks and check whether the marks allocated are in conformity with  the  historical  distribution.  In case there is a mismatch, then the Result Committee shall have to revise the marks, as the case may be, as per a consistent and objective criterion which should also be documented in the Rationale Document.
  • (i) In case, due to the skewness of results, the Result Committee finds itself unable to fit the marks in the distribution given, it may decide to give weightage to the students’ performance in Class IX and/or other periodic evaluations including project-based assessments  which are an objective measure of the academic performance of the students.
  • (j)   The second reference for moderation will be the average marks for the school in the Board Examinations of the reference year . As stated earlier, the subject-wise  marks assessed  by the  school  in 2021 , should be within a range of ± 2 marks for the subject in the reference year. However, the average marks in 2021 , for all the 5 main subjects taken together , should not exceed the average marks in the reference year. For example , if the average marks obtained in Mathematics and Science was 62 and 66 in the reference year , the average  in Mathematics assessed for 2021 should be in the range of 62 ± 2 ,i.e., ranging from 60 to 64 marks, and for Science should be in the range of 66 ± 2 marks. While subject-wise variation is allowed , the average for the 5 main subjects should not exceed that of the reference year i.e., if it was 65 marks, then the average assessed marks for all the 5 subjects taken together in 2021 should not exceed 65 marks.
  • (k) Both these checks will be available in the online system, and once the uploaded school-based assessment marks are consistent with the Board’s policy and directives, the school will be able to finalist the marks on the Board’s portal. In case marks are not consistent with the Boards policy, schools will not be able to upload marks on the Boards portal.

14. The above has been done, keeping in mind that the school principals and teachers are best placed to assess the student based on the performance of the students in the internal tests/exams . They are expected to provide a fair and  objective  assessment  of  the  student   and   have   been  given   the   autonomy and flexibility to do so. However, to take care of the variations in school level evaluation processes, there is a need to standardize the scores across schools through a process of moderation of marks. This is necessary in the interest of fairness and to ensure that the  marks allocated are comparable and there is no adverse impact or undue gain for any student because of the methodology/processes of evaluation used by the individual school.

Safe Keeping of Records

15. All the schools will seal the records of the student’s along with the Rationale Document under the signature of all members of the Committee and these should be kept in safe custody of the Principal of the school for subsequent verification .

Verification of Records by CBSE

16. CBSE may depute a team to verify the documents and the process of allocating marks uploaded to ensure the correctness of the same. A check on the basis of data uploaded by each school will also be done by CBSE and all the schools identified based on the data analysis , would be asked to submit their record to the Regional Office concerned and these documents  will be verified by a team of experts deputed by CBSE.

Action against Non-Compliance

17. In cases where the school deliberately indulges in practices that are not consistent with fair , unbiased and objective practices of assessment, CBSE reserves the right to:

  • (a) start dis-affiliating proceedings and/or
  • (b) impose financial penalty against the school or
  • (c) decide not to declare the result of Class X for the school till the time it is not in conformity with the Board’s Policy.

Data Once Uploaded will be Final

18. Data of both internal and external assessment once filled by the school shall be considered final. No request for correction of marks because  of wrong entry or mistake of any sort will be allowed. Hence, due care should be taken while uploading all marks on part of the school.

Candidate not appeared in any assessment

19. If any candidate has not appeared in any of the assessments conducted by the school, the school may conduct an offline/online or a telephonic one to one assessment and record documentary evidences to certify the recommendations. The student may be assessed objectively on that basis by the school out of maximum marks of each subject.

Candidates with Benchmark Disabilities

20. If any student with benchmark disability has not appeared in any of the assessments conducted by the school, the school may consider other activities such as Portfolio, Presentations , Project, Quiz, Oral Test, etc. done by such candidates d1,.1ring the session for assessment in place of offline/online assessment and record documentary evidence in such cases.

Result of More Than 5 Subjects

21. In case, a student has offered different subjects other than the 5 major ones, i.e. painting, music etc. or offered more than 05 subjects, then mean marks of the best 03 subjects out of maximum allotted marks after conversion (in case maximum marks are other than 80) may be awarded in these subjects.  While calculating  marks, maximum  marks  being allotted  to the  subject  be kept in mind. Details of maximum marks can be seen at https://www.cbse .gov.in/newsite/attach/letter%20for  %20schools%20framewor  k-merged.pdf (Page 169 to 172).

Grace Marks by CBSE

22. CBSE will compute the result based on uploaded theory and internal assessment marks. At the time of computation of result, Board’s policy of awarding grace marks will also be applied to those candidates who do not meet the qualifying criterion.

Boards Policy for Qualifying Class-X Examination

23. In case after application of grace marks policy by the Board, any student is not able to meet the qualifying criterion, he/she will be placed in “Essential Repeat”  or   “Compartment ”  Category.

Conduct of Compartment Examinations

24. After declaration of result, school will conduct an objective type offline/online compartment examination based on the Sample Question papers provided by CBSE. After  assessment, school will upload the marks on CBSE Portal for declaration of result.

Permission to Continue in Class-XI

25. . In case, student  is not able  to  meet the qualifying criterion, she/he  may  be allowed to continue in Class XI till the declaration  of result of  compartment examination by CBSE.

Policy of Verification of Marks/Providing Photocopy of Answer Book/ Re-evaluation

26. .As  assessment  has been done  by the  schools  and the  answer  books  have been shown/handed over to the students by the school, process of verification of   marks,   providing   photocopy   and   re-evaluation   scheme   will   not   be applicable for Session 2020-2021.

Mathematics (Basic) in Class-X Vs Mathematics in Class-XI

27. Incontinuation to the Circular No.Coord/Printing/2020d ated 06.08.2020 available at       https://www .cbse.qov .in/newsite/attach/UPLOAD    NOT I FICATION   06.08.2020 .pdf, exemption has again been extended to permit Mathematics (01) in Class XI, if a  student  has  offered  Mathematics  Basic  (241)  in  Class  X.   All   other conditions as stipulated in above said circular will remain same.

Schedule of Activities

28. .The time  lines given are to be adhered to by the schools for the purpose  of compilation and declaration of results which can be seen at Annexure – 4.

Support to the Schools

29. . For  successful  implementation  of  this  policy,  CBSE  will  provide  following support to the schools:

  • (a) CBSE will organise a webinars to explain the policy in details. Schedule will be communicated soon
  • (b) Frequently Asked Questions will be uploaded on website.
  • (c) CBSE will provide  an online details of school wise reference  year marks as well as a provision to confirm whether the assessment is as per Boards Policy.
  • (d) In case of any observations or clarifications , schools may send their queries to their City Coordinator. Common queries will be sent by City Coordinator to the CBSE on email id – class- [email protected]. CBSE will reply all the queries in Frequently Asked  Questions  which will be hosted on website for the benefit of others. City Coordinators will keep in regular contact with the schools and also inform them about the email id on which schools will communicate with them .

Stream in Class-XI

30. .As per the scheme of studies of the Board, students are allowed to offer any combination of subjects without any streaming, hence, schools  should  also follow the same .

Policy for Private/Patrachar/2″d chance Compartment etc.

31. For private, patrachar and 2nd chance Compartment candidates , a separate scheme for assessment will be announced soon.

All the schools and committee  members are requested to read the policy carefully and follow the procedure outlined diligently within the prescribed schedule.


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